Our Programmes

Beyond the Bell
- Calligraphy
- Abacus & Vedic Maths
- Communication Development Sessions
- Subject Mastery (Mathematics & Science Development Programmes)
- Etiquette Clarity
- Bhagavadgita, Yoga & Meditation
- French as Foreign Language
- Chess
- Western Dance
- Music Classes (Vocal & Instrumental)
- Summer Explorer
- Elite Sports
- Karate

Math/ Science/ English Development
Childhood is a time when kids begin to learn new subjects and understand them. This is why it’s crucial to provide effective training that helps these kids to understand the subjects they learn, comprehensively.
At (company name) we focus on strengthening the base of each child to help them develop a good grip on each subject.
Our ultimate guidance on significant subjects like Math, Science and English enables them to inherit basic knowledge about each of these studies to offer the ability for critical thinking. This is when students are also taught to apply their learnings in everyday requirements. Learning English language guides, them in speaking and understanding this language at home while Math and Science help them in counting the numbers correctly.
We boast a talented team of teachers who offer intricate teaching services to students. They fully ensure that their expertise is applicable to children of this age. We also offer our personalized work sheet to help children understand everything in a proper order. Our expert teachers also make sure to train the children in an interactive manner so that they can both learn and have fun at the same time. That’s how we foster their growth and development.
Fitness Education
Fitness is extremely crucial in every child. A fit body allows children to skip risky behavior and be more attentive at school. It also protects their body from various diseases that could have otherwise dominated due to inactivity.
At (company name) we aim at providing fitness education to children in order to help them understand its significance. We practice this education in the form of Yoga, Sports and Meditation that allows children to learn new ways to maintain fitness. Such activities also help them recognize the essentiality of their health. An array of sports is practiced under our roof which also guides them in their rapid growth and development. Group Yoga and meditation allow these students to adapt to the interactive environment and make new friends for positive living.
Our fitness educator highly expertise in this field and ensures to improve the productivity of the children. Regular sessions are offered timely to strike a healthy balance among children. This also promises to improve the mental health of little children and boost their performance levels. In little children, playing and practicing fitness also improves the motor skills that play a crucial role in every child’s healthy development.

Etiquette Clarity
The customary code of conduct is a vital aspect of maintaining an acceptable nature in the society. Since kids adapt to the environment easily, it is important to inculcate certain knowledge in them that will give them a clarity of what to do and what not to do when in public.
Thus, we offer Etiquette sessions to these little children to instill the importance of polite behavior within them and help them develop good skills in no time. Initially, we start by introducing certain polite words to them like ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’ that will guide them in developing a humble nature easily.
We also train the children about basic social manners like queuing in line, speaking softly, helping others to name a few. Each of these etiquettes help the children in mounding themselves into a good character that also affects their grooming.
Our expert professionals also focus on training children about poised table manners and sharing objects with other students to enhance their ability to interact and form new friendships. Other disciplines like sitting properly, respecting others and building an appropriate circle are also taught in the same process. Thus, our teachers are one-of-a-kind.
Dance Class
Dancing is another form of physical fitness that helps children to stay active. It not only improves the movement in children but also impacts upon their cognitive development.
At (company name) we boast an array of teachers who train students about various styles of dancing. Graceful movements and enthusiastic music help children to engage themselves in a fun learning experience that benefits their health massively. Dancing in a group improves their self-confidence and the ability to interact socially. It also encourages them to foster their creativity and reflect it gracefully in the room.
Dancing can also release stress in children and make them happier. This allows them to maintain a healthy living and engage themselves in useful activities. Our experts train children about dancing to inculcate new learnings within them that promises to enhance their coordination skills. In synopsis, dance offers every child with holistic development and a means to enjoy themselves without worrying too much.
Our dance lessons occur timely where every child is given utmost attention to dance training. We make sure to offer easy steps initially so that every child can learn comfortably from us. No harsh dance methods are taught to students to maintain the staunch safety of every child.

Music Classes
Little Cherries concentrates on spilling magic via music classes among children. Our expert music teachers who expertise in playing various instruments like piano, guitar and violin, teach students to sing melodiously and express joy through their voices. The professionals in our team render several years of experience in singing and thus promise to offer music classes that children always look forward to.
At our stop, we provide knowledge about different music sounds and tones that enable the children to learn music easily. This session also helps calm students and enhances their fast learning skills. Our timely sessions engage students in differentiating between the frequency, melody and other important aspects of music. This is how we help them develop incredible musical skills.
Initially, we train students about music by teaching them to clap and beat their hands to sing in tune. Gradually, we proceed to more advanced music to allow easy development of music skills in children. This allows children to improve their musical growth alongside studying hard.
By organizing a musical session for little children, we give them enough time to interact with their friends and have fun. Such a session highly contributes to releasing the pressure of studying well at school.
Summer Explores
A host of teachers from our school are engaged in helping little children experience the summer vibes and enjoy to their heart’s content. Such activities allow the children to inherit a plethora of benefits. Summer Explores allows children to improve their cognitive skills by fostering physical activity through various sports and games.
Especially in the era of technology where children are constantly engrossed in cell phones, summer explores at our stop, are a great way to unplug from the technological life and allow children to dive into their childhood properly.
Our teachers also allow little children to take responsibility of their belongings which helps them develop a sense of independence at the right time. This free time for unstructured play is the best way we offer our help to them.

Elite Sports
Competition is a very effective method to teach students about improving themselves fast and developing skills in no time. This is why, we engage little children in elite sports like athletes and other competing games to amplify their strength. Such a competition allows students to boost self-confidence and recognize their talents at an early stage. This also engages students in analyzing their hobbies and varnishing their skills better.
Our expert’s teachers’ pay utmost attention in sharpening the skills of each student and engaging them in tough competing tasks to increase their concentration levels. Racing is one of the major elite sports that we foster among little children. As a result, this provides life lessons to the young kids alongside improving their positive social behavior.
All our teachers make sure that no child gets hurt during these elite sports. We make sure that the competition is easy for all children and it helps them to interact with each other in a politer manner. Such games are only for children’s fun and improved learning experiences.
We host these elite sports timely where we also provide amazing prizes to the children in order to reward their talent and hard work.